Shoreline Nutrition Counseling, LLC
Sharon Gaffney, RD, CDE

A healthier lifestyle

What to Expect

Expect the attention that you deserve with personalized one-on-one nutrition therapy to achieve your nutritional goals and desired health outcomes.

During your initial consultation, a comprehensive assessment is performed to determine the appropriate nutrition and lifestyle intervention.  This includes review and analysis of current medical issues, medical history, usual food intake, physical activity level, lifestyle factors, individual stressors, and recent lab results.

Based on your individualized needs, Sharon will create a personalized nutrition plan designed to change your eating habits and improve your lifestyle behaviors.  She will provide nutrition education, recommend dietary and lifestyle modifications, formulate strategies to overcome your individual barriers to change, and assist you on developing your action plan toward achieving your goals.  Whether you prefer structured meal plans or flexible eating suggestions, Sharon will create a realistic, sustainable, plan that works for YOU!        


Sharon can provide advice concerning your need for nutrition supplements, and will help you determine what supplements you may need to counteract deficiencies, prevent and treat health conditions and symptoms, and to maximize your health.    


Follow-up consultations are typically scheduled 2-3weeks from the initial visit.  Sharon will continue to advise and educate, provide support and motivation, and will evaluate your progress toward achieving your goals.
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